Minutes 10 December 2020


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 10 December 2020 at 6.30 pm via Zoom

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Sara Pringle, Colin Hodges, Richard Poole and County Councillor John Weighell (for item 2 only).

  1. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.

  1. Cllr Duck welcomed Cllr Weighell to the meeting. Cllr Weighell updated the Council on a number of issues including the Locality Budget and the Unitary Authority proposals. Cllr Duck thanked him for his contribution.

  1. Minutes of the meetings held on 12 November (copies of which had already been circulated) were accepted as a true record. The Chairman would sign the minutes as soon as possible.

  1. Matters arising
    1. Bridges – The Clerk had circulated a response from NYCC Highways regarding the issues raised concerning potential flooding at the Marina Bridge. Although photos of flooding had been submitted to Highways they indicated this did not change the situation and no funding could be made available. It was RESOLVED to ask the community for photos or statements of flooding of properties to support a further response to Highways. It was further RESOLVED to ask householders whose properties abutted the beck to check that the beck was free flowing and remove any weed if this was not the case.
    2. Village inspection – kerbing – Documentation had been received from Highways regarding the requirements for any kerbing and the list of approved contractors; these had been circulated to Councillors. It was RESOLVED to seek tenders for the works and also to make an application to Cllr Weighell for funding from the Locality Budget and Hambleton District Council’s (HDC) Making a Difference Fund.
    3. Cedar Garth – Clarification from YLCA had been received and circulated to the Councillors. On the basis of this guidance it was RESOLVED to write to the householders to advise that the Council wished to pursue this matter, as already agreed and notified, via an easement.
    4. Traffic issues – A response had been received from Highways indicating it was not able to support the Council’s request to move the 30mph speed limit and to introduce a 20mph limit by the school. Information had been provided regarding the Council’s request for speed activated equipment – options available were to purchase or rent equipment but purchasing had been recommended. However the Council considered purchase was not possible due to the high cost. A local Council had sought information about sharing equipment. It was RESOLVED to explore this option with the local council.

  1. Financial Matters
    1. Receipts and Payments since the last meeting – this document, copies of which had already been circulated, was approved.
    2. Hours of work undertaken by the Clerk – the hours of work undertaken by the Clerk were noted.
    3. Possible website and cost options – the Clerk reported that the current host of the Council’s website had announced that the website would not be supported after 24 May and so the Council would need to seek a new host and web designer. The Clerk had sought out information of possible companies and had included £500 in the budget paper to be discussed next. However, this amount may not be sufficient for the fully funding of a new website. A meeting had been arranged with a local supplier; the Clerk would report back to the Councillors after the meeting.
    4. Precept for 2021/22 – the Clerk introduced a paper, copies of which had already been circulated. It was not considered that the costs of the website and kerbing were fully covered in the proposed precept outlined in the paper. It was, therefore, RESOLVED to increase some items to better reflect expected expenditure to arrive at a precept of £8216 which represented a 1.5% increase on the current precept.

  1. Planning applications

The following were discussed:

    1. a. 20/02458/LBC | Conversion of existing attic space with insertion of staircase and conservation rooflights to form 2 bedrooms and bathroom – Springfield, Ings Lane, Snape

It was RESOLVED that the Council had no objections to this application.

    1. Update on other planning matters:
      1. Price’s Pavings – It was disappointing that the Council had not received a response to the issues raised with the Planning Department. It was RESOLVED to write to HDC to seek a response on the matters raised.
      2. Howden Hill – Had been approved. It was noted that in the HDC officer’s report the first submission had been used and no reference had been made to the Council’s second submission. The Clerk would raise this with HDC.
      3. Rose View – Parking spaces appeared to be currently under creation.
      4. Lyme House – Had been approved.
      5. Works to trees at Snape Cottage, Ings Lane – Had been approved.

  1. Safety Issues in the village

Two safety issues were discussed:

  • Recent accidents or near accidents at the Carthorpe corner where it met Ings Lane – It was RESOLVED to seek information from the community about recent accidents so that this could be used to support the Council’s submission to Highways for better signage and to draw attention to the cam which made cyclists pull wide when entering the village.
  • Stones on the village green on which a resident had hit their head. It was RESOLVED to ask the householders to remove the stones.

  1. Newsletter – a number of issues had already been identified during the meeting to include in a newsletter which the Clerk would prepare and which would be issued before Christmas.

The meeting closed at 7.45 pm

Created: 22/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A