Minutes 3 September 2020


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 3 September 2020 at 6.30 pm at Snape Institute

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Sara Pringle, Colin Hodges and Cllr David Webster.

  1. Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Richard Poole
  2. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
  3. Minutes of the meetings held on 6 August (copies of which had already been circulated) were accepted as a true record subject to the following amendments:
    1. The correction to read Kings Keld in item 4b; and
    2. To include reference in item 6b to the receipt of letters from local residents.
  4. Matters arising
    1. Bridges – The Clerk advised that despite chasing the Highways department further information was still awaited. It was noted that whilst the bridge in the Mires had not yet been repaired the Highways Department had accepted responsibility for the bridge and had placed warning bollards close to it.
    2. Highways matters – safety measures at Kings Keld. A positive response had been received from Sir Henry Ropner regarding the possibility of placing bollards in the wooded area on Kings Keld. It was RESOLVED to contact the Traffic Engineering Team Leader to seek advice on the number and best location for bollards in this area. Cllr Duck would check the number of bollards still in stock and Cllr Watson would look at the potential cost of purchasing bollards.
  5. Financial Matters
    1. Limited assurance review of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return – The Clerk drew attention to the external auditor’s certificate of the accounts for 2019/20 which had already been circulated. It was noted that the external auditors had approved the accounts without comment. She advised that the appropriate paperwork had been posted to the noticeboard and website. It was RESOLVED to keep this paperwork on display on the noticeboard for 14 days.
    2. Risk Register – consideration was given to the updated risk register, copies of which had already been circulated, and it was RESOLVED to approve the document.
    3. Receipts and Payments since the last meeting – this document, copies of which had already been circulated, was approved. Thanks were expressed for recent donations received for the Playing Field via Cllr Hodges.
    4. Hours of work undertaken by the Clerk – the hours of work undertaken by the clerk were noted.
    5. Replacement tree in the Avenue – HDC had made a condition of the recent Tree Preservation Order approval that a replacement tree would be planted at the top south-western end of the new avenue. It was RESOLVED that the replacement tree would be an older tree than those previously purchased due to its visually prominent position. Cllr Duck would clarify the costs and report back to the Council. He would ask the contractor to plant the tree and also ask him to cut back the epicormics growth on the trees in the avenue and on the green.
  6. Snape Village Inspection – Cllr Duck and Cllr Hodges had undertaken a recent inspection of the village for defects/improvements. A copy of their report had been previously circulated to Parish Councillors. The following actions were agreed:
    1. Write to Highways to
      1. seek repairs to signage for the school/Carthorpe in the vicinity of Silver Howe and the possibility of moving the school sign;
      2. improvements to the signage on the Bedale to Well road;
      3. repainting of the white lines at the junction of Ings Lane and Meadow Lane;
      4. improvements to the uneven suface on the footpath area outside Price’s Pavings; and
      5. enquire about support to add further kerbing on the green by the beck side outside Pennybeck and Beech Close.
    2. Sanding and re-varnishing of village seats and painting of the pumps and mosaic bridge – It was RESOLVED that the village pumps, which would need more extensive restoration in the near future, were an important asset to the village and should be retained. Cllr Pringle suggested that she ask the small group of villagers who had worked to clean out the beck if they would take on these aspects of village maintenance. If materials were needed these would be paid for by the Council. Cllr Duck volunteered one of his buildings if the work needed to be undertaken inside. Cllr Duck thanked the group for their hard work in cleaning out the beck.
    3. Maintenance work to the stonework by the Institute bridge – it was RESOLVED to approach someone in the village to see if they might undertake this repair work at a charge. A couple of names were suggested and Cllr Duck would approach them. They would also be asked about pointing the mosaic bridge and possibly the repainting of the bridge.
    4. Remedial works were required to the road drain near the allotments. This would also be raised with Highways.
    5. It was noted that one of the metal uprights and a bar of the road bridge near the Monument were loose. Cllr Duck advised that this had been something flagged up in the past. These were not considered to be a H&S matter so did not require urgent attention.
    6. A letter would be sent to a resident whose garden was overhanging the grass verge.
    7. It was noted that BT had put up a notice on their pole at the corner of the allotments – the Clerk had written to them regarding this but as no response had been received she had written again.
    8. The Clerk advised that due to a residents complaint to her she had contacted Yorkshire Water (YW) re a man hole cover outside The Old Blacksmiths Cottage. YW had visited and found that the problem had eased so no corrective action had been necessary.
  7. Request for a village seat – the Clerk advised that she had received a request from a past village resident for permission to provide a seat with brass plaque to be located on the village green by the Memorial at the west end of the village when he passed on. It was RESOLVED to respond thanking the individual for the offer of a seat and stating that whilst the current Council could accept a seat now it could not commit a future Council to an action in the future.
  8. Playing Field Matters
    1. The Clerk advised on recent communications she had had regarding a wasps nest in a garage adjacent to the playing field and the approach she had taken. It was RESOLVED that this had been an acceptable approach and no further action was necessary.
    2. Cllr Hodges explained that the contractor had been approached regarding spraying weedkiller on the football pitch area but this work needed to be co-ordinated with a village cut and that further advice was required regarding any need to close off the area once sprayed and also the full cost for the spraying works. Cllr Duck would liaise with the contractor and also ask that the cut of the field included under the hedges.
    3. Cllr Hodges advised that top soil was required to fill in rabbit holes (not runs) on the field surface. Cllr Duck advised that he had a current supply he was willing to be used.
    4. Cllr Hodges enquired if there remained a need to have a separate Playing Field Committee as it had not met for some time. It was RESOLVED that this should be discussed with the two non-Parish Councillors on the Committee.
  9. Planning applications

The following were discussed:

    1. The Clerk advised that a number of papers had been added to the HDC Planning website regarding the planning applications for a new vehicular access for Cedar Garth and Howden Hill. She shared the details of these at the meeting. Cllr Webster advised that he expected the Howden Hill application to be considered at the Planning Meeting in October.
    2. Councillors had received documents from YLCA on the consultation on new planning regime and regarding the examination of the HDC Local plan.
    3. The Clerk advised that a number of households had received a document regarding a possible housing development on the Price’s Pavings site. As this was not yet a planning application and had not been included on the agenda it was not possible to formally discuss the item. The Council would get a chance to comment once a formal application had been submitted.
  1. Proposal for a Unitary Authority – The Clerk advised that she had listened to the recent on-line presentation following the invitation from Cllr Carl Les, NYCC, which had been circulated to Councillors. She tabled a follow up letter from Cllr Les and briefly advised on the main points from the meeting. It was RESOLVED to write to both Rishi Sunak, MP and Cllr Les to advise that the Parish Council was content with the current arrangements and did not see the benefit of moving to a unitary authority.
  2. General Data Protection Regulations Training – the Clerk had recently received notification of this webinar training by YLCA and asked for permission to attend at a cost of £37.50 This was agreed.

The meeting closed at 8.15 pm

Created: 22/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A