Minutes 26 January 2016


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 26 January 2016 in the Schoolroom, Snape Methodist Church.

Present: Councillors John Duck, Jenny Rydzewski, Steven Smith, Terry Warwick, Richard Poole, County Councillor John Weighell, District Councillor David Webster, PCSO Bryan Tongue, and 23 members of the public

  1. Declaration of Interest – There were no declarations of interest
  2. Minutes of the meetings held on 11 November 2015 were accepted as a true record.
  3. Matters arising:
    1. Grass cutting – The clerk advised that 7 potential contractors had been contacted; 3 had submitted prices and a table summarising the submitted tenders was presented. It was RESOLVED that written references would be sought and the tenders submitted considered again once these references had been received.
    2. Highways – The clerk advised that the drainage issues highlighted at the last meeting had been drawn to the attention of the Highways Department. There being a number of new issues to raise it was RESOLVED to seek a site visit from a representative of the Highways department.
  4. Police report – PCSO Bryan Tongue introduced the policing report covering the period since the last meeting. In responding to a double burglary at a house in the parish regular police patrols around the village were occurring.
  5. Playing Field
    1. Funding – A draft Awards for All application had been submitted to Nicky Smith; she had suggested amendments and these were awaited. The Committee members would meet to finalise and submit the application. An application would be made to Yorventure but the asset transfer needed to be complete for this to happen. Cllr Weighell advised that each County Councillor had an amount of £5000 to allocate to appropriate projects on the basis of applications submitted; the minimum available being £300. He commented that whilst not intended for PCs it may be appropriate for assistance to be given to the playing field.
    2. Asset Transfer – The Clerk advised that the asset transfer had now completed. Funding from HDC was linked to this transfer to improve the asset and also to assist with the legal costs.
  6. Avenue

Cllr Duck reminded the meeting of the outcome from the village questionnaire and last open meeting where the majority had been in support of the option to remove around 50% of the trees in the original avenue, to grind out the stumps and replant between. There was full discussion of the options and the arborculturist’s survey with those present being invited to comment.

It was RESOLVED that a planning application would be submitted to Hambleton District Council as soon as Mr Whitehead had completed an aerial inspection of the trees which would cost the PC around £400. This would be an application to undertake remedial works to be carried out on safety grounds and to allow the Parish Council to comply with the insurance cover for the avenue. These works would include the removal of at least one dead tree.

Cllr Duck noted that the PC could not afford another full survey which was suggested by the floor and he asked if anyone at the meeting was willing to co-ordinate fund-raising to provide the PC with the required funds. Mike Brown volunteered.

The monies raised would provide a further inspection the results of which would be used along with the village consultation to assist the Parish Council in its decision over the avenue.

  1. Financial Matters
    1. Receipts and payments since the last meeting were noted and approved as follows:
      1. Receipts: None
      2. Payments: Royal Legion (Remembrance Day wreath) - £25; Sarah Lowe – Salary - £50.40; 26.40 Expenses - £7.45, £11.81; HMRC - £94.40; MFJ Management (grass cutting and village maintenance) – £624.00 and £3864.00
      3. The balances stood at Current Account £-60.88 and Business Premium Account £2882.44. There was £16831.44 credit held on behalf of the Institute Committee.
    2. The hours worked by the Clerk (16 hours) for the last two months were noted.
    3. Audit arrangements – the Clerk presented a copy of an advice note from the YLCA regarding changes to audit arrangements. It was RESOLVED to opt into the new Sector Led Body audit regime; no action was required as all PCs would be automatically opted into these new arrangements.
    4. Funding from development in the parish – HDC had advised that £2,200 S106 funding would be available to the PC and it had been suggested that the PC might wish to adjust the priority of the projects to which this would be allocated. It was RESOLVED to leave the allocation unchanged resulting in funding being available to both the Avenue and Playing Field.
    5. Government funding for smaller authorities – the Clerk tabled a completed spreadsheet based on the costs of a PC, printer/scanner and other equipment to support the PC’s responsibilities for openness and transparency. It was RESOLVED that the funding application should be made via YLCA.
  2. Superfast Broadband – The Clerk advised on the e-mail correspondence from Susan Hargadon, Community Project Executive, Superfast North Yorkshire regarding confirmation that the new box opposite the Castle was now fully operational and that residents needed to approach their broadband supplier to clarify the costs of accessing this improved service
  3. Outcome of 6-monthly check of village – Councillors Duck and Rydzewski had undertaken a check of the village and identified a number of areas for improvement. The seat near the Castle required treatment again and Cllr Duck would approach the parishioner who repaired the seat previously. The dog waste bin near the Institute could be replaced allowing this bin to replace the one opposite the pub. Cllr Duck would check the price of a new bin. The grass disturbed by the installation of the new broadband box needed to be reseeded.
  4. Hambleton Local Plan – A meeting for PCs was to be held regarding the new local plan; Cllrs Poole and Rydzewski would attend. A HDC officer had sent documentation about Snape to be included in the plan and had suggested she attend a future meeting. It was agreed that she should be invited to the nest meeting which would be held in March.
  5. Emergency Plan – Cllr Rydzewski advised that a further meeting with Cllrs Duck and Smith was required; this would be arranged shortly. It was noted that the community had pulled together well during the recent period of high water levels.

The meeting closed at 9:00 pm

Created: 23/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A