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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 22 August 2022 in the Institute

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Colin Hodges, Sara Pringle, Richard Poole and NYCC Cllr David Webster

  1. Cllr Duck noted with sadness the recent death of previous Parish Councillor, Steven Smith.  The Council expressed its sympathies to Mrs Smith and her family.  The Clerk would send a card on behalf of the Council

  1. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest. 

  1. Minutes of the meetings held on 18 May, copies of which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.

  1. Matters arising

    1. Speed Activation Equipment – The Clerk advised that the equipment and poles had been ordered but were not expected until the end of September.  It was noted that the equipment had been purchased based on advice from NYCC.
    2. Contingency plan – this item was deferred to the next meeting
    3. Platinum Jubilee – The planting of the Jubilee tree and burial of the time capsule had gone well.  A plaque was to be purchased.  Cllr Poole agreed to look into possible manufacturers and report back to the Council.  It was RESOLVED to spend up to £100 on a plaque.  The Clerk would contact the Clerk for North Stainley to enquire about the company they had recently used for a tree plaque. It was felt that a tree guard would help to keep the tree safe from damage; Cllr Duck had a guard removed from a tree elsewhere in the parish which with some painting could be installed.
  1. Police report – No officer had been able to attend the meeting but a police report including advice on protecting property against vandalism had been received and circulated.  The content was noted and the advice would be included in the next newsletter.
  2. Financial Matters
    1. Receipts and payments as at 15 August 2022, a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda, were noted and approved.  It was also noted that Cllr Hodges had reconciled the totals shown in the report against the bank statements and all had been found to be correct.

Receipts Bank interest 0.20; NYCC (re grasscutting) – 310.37

Payments Sarah Lowe (salary) £67.20, £151.20, £100.80, £19.20; Sarah Lowe (expenses) £18.84, £48.11; HMRC £79.80; John Duck (re timbers for fencing in Avenue) £375.84; Snape Institute (donation re Jubilee event) £200.00; Farm and Land Services (village maintenance) - £484.80; BHIB Ltd (insurance) £367.09; S Bland (materials for repair of pump) £25.00; R Poole (Acer tree) £59.75; S Lowe (time capsule) £56.00; Information Commissioner’s Office £35.00


Bank accounts as at 15 August 2022

Current account – £9557.69

Deposit account – £2647.65

Deposit account re Institute - £34872.03

The Clerk presented the summary of receipts and payments.  It was noted that the cost of fencing had been incorrectly charged to the Avenue sub-heading and should have been allocated to general costs.

The Clerk advised that there would be the annual H&S check of the Playing Field.  Following discussion it was RESOLVED to include an accessibility check.  The Clerk would look into this.

    1. Hours of work undertaken by the Clerk since the last meeting: it was noted that the Clerk had worked 28 hours since the last meeting

  1. Highway matters
    1. The Parish Council’s request for a 20 mph speed limit by the school had been turned down by NYCC Highways department.  As requested by Councillors, the Clerk had asked for a site visit with the NYCC engineer but this had also been turned down.  It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should again ask for a site visit.
    2. Overhanging branches in the Avenue – it was noted that a parishioner had raised concerns with Cllr Hodges about the potential danger of branches hanging into the road at the north west of the Avenue.  A site visit had immediately been taken by Cllrs Duck and Hodges and due to the TPO on the tree it had been agreed to discuss the matter at this meeting.  However, in the meantime someone had cut the branches from the tree in contravention of the TPO.  The Clerk had advised HDC Planning department that this action had not been taken by the Parish Council.   In discussion, it was noted that some trees in the Kings Kell area were apparently unsafe.  It was RESOLVED to contact Sir Henry whose trees they were.
    3. Parking issues – it was noted that the School had helped in resolving the issue of parking by the school.  However, it appeared that some people were parking in the junction of Ings Lane and Meadow Lane which was causing some concern and was contrary to the Highway Code.  It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should drop a note to the school.
    4. Grates – It was noted that the grates needed to be flushed out especially those on Watery Lane.  The Clerk was asked to contact the Highways Department.

  1. Request from Thornton Watlass PC regarding the recent fatal accident – It was noted that Thornton Watlass PC had indicated it would support the PC if it sought to have the tree involved in the accident removed.  The Council discussed the request and possible appropriate actions which could be taken after a respectful period.

  1. Planning applications –

    1. It was noted that the following applications had been approved:

      1. 22/00875/LBC - Listed Building Consent to insert a new doorway in the East wing wall between the kitchen and dining room (replacement of earlier blocked door connecting the two rooms) and the reinstatement of a former doorway between dining room and library -| Thorp Perrow Hall Thorp Perrow Bedale
      2. 22/00847/FUL - Replacement single storey extension, internal alterations to reopen doorway. Reroofing garage, rendering in stone and rebuilding rear wall – Springfield, Ings Lane, Snape

    1. Prices Paving and Stone Ltd – Whilst no new information had been published to the HDC Planning portal, Cllr Duck had spoken with HDC Planning and been informed that all outstanding issues had been resolved in relation to the application.  This included that affordable housing would represent 18.75% of the number of properties on the site based on a specific calculation.  This was a disappointment to the Council.  In addition the Council was disappointed that there had been no site visit as yet despite a number of requests for this made to HDC.  Nor had there been any information on the Highways issues.  The PC was also concerned about flooding issues. 

The Councillors expressed their disappointment and frustration that despite asking HDC regularly for an update on information there had been a total lack of information provided by HDC given the size and importance of Prices Paving planning and the impact it would have on the Village, particularly given both access and surface water disposal were known to be problematic areas in the plans already.

Cllr Webster clarified that responses from statutory authorities could not be disregarded by HDC as these organisations were deemed to be the experts in their field.  He agreed to speak to the lead Planner the next day and suggested that the Clerk write to the Planner in advance.  Cllr Webster indicated that it was hoped this planning application would be considered by the planning committee in September.  It was RESOLVED that the Clerk write to the lead Planner and outline the range of issues and ask that the information be provided to the Council within 7 days from the PC’s meeting and if this did not occur the application should not be considered in September but be put back to October so that the Parish Council could meet to consider/consult on any new information.

    1. Update on any other planning applications – A further application - 22/01925/FUL  Application for partial demolition of single skinned brick wall to be replaced with cavity wall (300mm) and render finish; alterations to existing dormer roof; installation of a satellite dish to rear elevation Blacksmiths Cottage Snape DL8 2TW - had been received and circulated. It was discussed and agreed that the Council had no comments to make

  1. Website – The Clerk advised that the leads for each of the village groups had attended WJPS for training and were now able to update their own areas of the site.  Statistical information was being received and was being sent out to the Group leads.

  1. Newsletter

A number of subjects were identified for inclusion in the next newsletter.

The meeting closed at 8.45 pm

Created: 23/09/2022 / Last Modified: N/A