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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 5 December 2022 in the Snape Methodist church

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Colin Hodges (from item 9 onwards), Sara Pringle, Richard Poole and NYCC Cllr David Webster

  1. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest. 
  2. Minutes of the meetings held on 22 August, copies of which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.
  3. Matters arising
  • Speed Activation Equipment – The equipment had been installed in early October.  It would be moved to Well in early January.  The Clerk had been informed that the MAD grant would be paid shortly.  The cost to each Parish Council had been £537.19.  Cllr Hodges had extracted data from the system and presented this later in the meeting.
  • Contingency plan – this item was deferred to the next meeting
  • Platinum Jubilee – Cllr Poole was still investigating a source for the plaque.
  • Fencing in the Avenue – Work was progressing well with volunteer help to replace the fencing.   Equipment would be hired to help with the installation of the posts.
  • Avenue – The Climate and Conservation Group had sought permission to extend the variety of plants to be added between the young trees and for a 5 year period to be allowed for this trial.  The Parish Council supported this approach and would again avoid cutting the grass between the fence and the young trees from the beginning of May to at least mid-July on the proviso that should the Parish Council consider it necessary the grass cut be cut within this period.  There had been mixed comments regarding the commencement of grass cutting between the old trees.  The grass cutting would again be delayed until the bulb leaves went yellow to protect the daffodil bulbs.
  1. Police report – PCSO Lees attended the meeting to provide a police report including advice on safety of property.  The content was noted and the advice would be included in the next newsletter.  PCSO Lees had been asked for a police view on the proposed hatching in front of the Methodist Church as part of the Prices Paving’s planning application.  She advised that she was still seeking a firm view on this.  However, if this junction was adopted by NYCC the Highway Code regulations would apply meaning there could be no parking within 10m of the junction.
  2. Financial Matters
    1. Receipts and payments as at 28 November 2022, a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda, were noted and approved.  (Note after the meeting: Cllr Hodges had reconciled the totals shown in the report against the bank statements and all had been found to be correct.)
  • Receipts Bank interest £0.82; HDC (2nd instalment of precept) – £4300.00; Northern Power Grid (wayleave) £3.45; Contributions to kerbing costs - £500 and £100
  • Payments Sarah Lowe (salary) £105.60, £254.40, £134.40; Sarah Lowe (expenses) £2.18, £19.64, £12.40; Sarah Lowe (repayment for defibrillator pads) £69.84; Playsafety (H&S check) £96.60, (Accessibility report) £42.00; HMRC £94.80; Ripon Business Services (printing) £28.65; Colin Hodges (printing) £54.00; Farm and Land Services (village maintenance) - £933.60, £628.50; NYCC (payment for pole for MVAS) £480.00; SWARCO Traffic £3717.00; Well Parish Council £262.81; Royal British Legion (poppy wreath) £30.00
  • Bank accounts as at 28 November 2022

Current account – £7962.85

Deposit account – £2648.47

Deposit account re Institute - £34874.58

b. Hours worked by the Clerk   The following hours were noted - August – 11 hours; September - 26 hours 30 mins (including holiday hours); October – 11 hours 30 mins

  1. Request for funding towards the Warm Hubs – Mrs Lowe made a request on behalf of the Institute Committee and Snape Methodist Church for support towards the Warm Hubs the two organisations were running together on a weekly basis.  One of the unknown costs was the heating and lighting costs.  Attendance numbers were increasing.  Funds and other support had been given.  The Council RESOLVED to give £250 to the initiative being the amount received in a grant in 2014 which had been unused since then.
    1. Budget and Precept for 2023/24 – The Clerk presented a paper which outlined current receipts and payments against budget and expected outturn for 2022/23.  Hambleton District Council had provided a simple spreadsheet to be able to assess the impact on Band D properties.  Cllr Webster advised on the changes to be made under the Unitary Authority to even out council tax payments across the new area.  This would mean an increase in 23/24 for properties in the former HDC area.

The Council discussed the paper and assumptions and it was RESOLVED that the budget would be adjusted slightly and the precept would be set at £8858 a 3% increase on this year’s precept.   The Clerk would advise HDC of the precept outcome.

  1. Playing Field
    1. Rospa Report – the recent Rospa report had recommended that the cables on the cableway should be checked annually for wear and corrosion. Cllr Poole advised that he was in contact with the supplier to arrange for this to be undertaken.  It was agreed that a written report should be requested for the PC’s records.
    2. The other items would be deferred to the next meeting when Cllr Hodges was present.
  2. Highway matters
    1. Jetting of the area under the Marina Bridge – NYCC Highways had arranged for jetting of the area under the bridge.  It was noted that the area immediately under the bridge was concrete so the jetting had not reduced the main clearance under the bridge.  An email thanking Highways for undertaking this had been sent.
    2. Drains on Watery Lane – A request had been submitted to Highways, with accompanying photographic evidence, to request the drains were cleaned and that the drains were properly draining into Cherry Tree Close.
    3. Gritting route in the village – a request would again be made to Highways to seek a change to the gritting route to take in Ings Lane.
    4. Report of a Highways training session – Cllr Duck reported on a seminar he had attended.  This had been a useful session.  Councils were asked to report issues via the Highways portal rather than by email as this speeded up response times.  The Councils represented had similar issues to ours.
  3. Visit to RAF Leeming – Cllr Watson reported on a visit she and the Clerk had made to RAF Leeming. Aimed at locals, the event had been very informative about the Station and about the international links with the Swiss and Qatari air forces.  The Swiss Air Force were currently undertaking training at the station until 9 December called Yorknites which gave the opportunity for training which was not available in Switzerland.
  4. Planning applications –
    1. It was noted that the following applications had been approved:
      1. 22/02126/CAT - Works to fell T1,T2,T3 (Cherry Trees) and works to reduce T4, T5 by 20% - Laurel Grove
  1. 22/01263/FUL - Construction of a garden room to the rear elevation of the dwelling -Snape Castle Barn
    1. It was noted that the following application was still under consideration:
      1. 22/01925/FUL - Application for partial demolition of single skinned brick wall to be replaced with cavity wall (300mm) and render finish; alterations to existing dormer roof; installation of a satellite dish to rear elevation - Blacksmiths Cottage
    2. Prices Paving and Stone Ltd – There were still unanswered queries the Council had raised via the Planning manager.  It was unclear how the attenuation tanks would work given the fall of the site.  There remained 4 concerns which would be raised again at the Planning Committee meeting ie flooding, the highway proposal, sewage and affordable housing.  The lack of footpath to the west of the site was a worry.
  1. Cleaning of the beck – The contractor had cleaned part of the beck in September.  However, due to the beck being dry it had been difficult to remove the roots of the weed.  It was agreed to arrange a local team of volunteers to clean the beck in the New Year.
  2. Invitation to submit expressions of interest in managing services on behalf of North Yorkshire Council – there was discussion of a possible service the Council might take on.  However, in conclusion, it was RESOLVED that the Council did not wish to manage services on behalf of North Yorkshire Council.
  3. Website – The Clerk advised that she had noted some photographs of living persons on the website.  She had contacted the lead for the specific section who had removed the photos but had asked if an arrangement could be put in place via the specific committee to obtain consent from individuals.  In discussion, it was agreed that no photos of living persons should be permitted on the site to ensure the Council, who had ownership and responsibility for the site, fulfilled its requirements under the GDPR.
  4. Newsletter - A number of subjects were identified for inclusion in the next newsletter.

The meeting closed at 8.45 pm.

Created: 08/03/2023 / Last Modified: N/A