28 January Minutes


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Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 28 January 2021 at 6.30 pm via Zoom

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Sara Pringle, Colin Hodges, Richard Poole and District Councillor David Webster

  1. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.

  1. Minutes of the meetings held on 10 December (copies of which had already been circulated) were accepted as a true record. The Chairman would sign the minutes as soon as possible.

  1. Matters arising
    1. Bridges – 3 photos of flooding had been received in response to the newsletter. The beck had almost flooded on 20 January and a number of residents had helped with sandbags and bales; the road had also been closed to enable the bales to be used to contain the flood waters. It was RESOLVED to raise these matters again with Highways.
    2. Cedar Garth – The Clerk had written to the householders and agent after the last meeting but no response had been received. No further action would be taken at present.
    3. Traffic issues – The local council referred to at the last meeting had not been looking for other councils to involve in their use of Vehicle Activated Speed equipment (VAS). It was RESOLVED to see if some local Councils might be interested in being involved in sharing equipment. In response to the last newsletter comments had been received from a resident. In view of these and previously expressed concerns it was RESOLVED to write to the famers and landowners to ask for care to be taken when driving in the village.
    4. Safety issues in the village – Cllr Watson had spoken to the householders and the stones had immediately been removed. Comments had been received in response to the December newsletter regarding the Salmon Lane/Ings lane junction and were considered. The repainting of the white lines would help but it was RESOLVED to contact Highways for improved signs and possible installation of rumble strips.

  1. Financial Matters
    1. Receipts and Payments since the last meeting – this document, copies of which had already been circulated, was approved.
    2. Hours of work undertaken by the Clerk – the hours of work undertaken by the Clerk were noted.

  1. Planning applications

The following was discussed:

    1. 20/02896/FUL – Planning application and Listed Building Consent - Construction of an attached single storey double garage with boot room to front (south) elevation of the dwellinghouse - Snape Castle Barn Snape DL8 2TJ.

It was RESOLVED that the Council had no objections to this application.

    1. Update on other planning matters:
      1. Springfield – conversion of attic space – it was noted that this application had now been withdrawn
      2. 20/02722/TPO - Works to fell 3 no. horse chestnut trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order 2001/15. - Land Both Sides Of Driveway East Of West Lodge Thorp Perrow – as no PC meeting had been held the Clerk had submitted no comment to this application which had now been approved and the trees felled.
      3. Price’s Pavings – The Clerk had written to HDC to seek a response on the matters raised by the Council. A response had been received and circulated but it indicated that the Council should not expect to receive comments to the issues raised and that the statutory consultees would be commenting on specific issues. It was noted that Highways had not responded on the application and this was raised with Cllr Webster to clarify why this would be the case. In response to a query, Cllr Webster advised that all comments received by HDC would be made known to the Committee considering the application. He had expected the planning application to be considered in February.
      4. Howden Hill – It had been agreed at the last meeting that the Clerk should raise with HDC the fact that the HDC officer’s report had used the first submission made by the Council and had made no reference to the Council’s second submission. The Clerk had omitted to raise this with HDC and would do so immediately.
      5. Rose View – Parking spaces were now in place and the Enforcement Officer had advised the case was now closed.

  1. Census 2021 – information had been received and already circulated to Councillors. It was felt that there would be some parishioners who would need support in completing the Census documentation especially if it was to be all done on line. It was RESOLVED to seek further information and include this in the forthcoming newsletter.

  1. Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill – documents had already been circulated to Councillors and were noted.

  1. Newsletter – Councillors would advise the Clerk of issues to include.

  1. Resolution to exclude members of the public and press due to the nature of the business to be transacted (under item 10) being prejudicial to the public interest – it was RESOLVED to exclude the public and press for item 10.

  1. Tenders -The Council considered the following tenders, copies of which had already been circulated:
    1. Kerbing

Three tenderers had been sought from NYCC approved list of contractors. One of those approached had declined to submit a tender; the other two tenders were considered. It was RESOLVED to appoint L & D Construction. It was further RESOLVED to ask that the works be completed before the end of June and that should any further funding be obtained these additional works be undertaken pro rata to the price submitted.

    1. Website design and hosting

Four tenders had been received and were considered. For a number of reasons, it was RESOLVED that WJPS should be appointed to undertake this work. If necessary and to ensure work commenced in February a further single item meeting may be required to discuss the content of the website. The website would be a Community website open to local groups to be included and for there to be an events page.

  1. Parking issues – there continued to be parking issues in some parts of the village.
  2. Fence in the Avenue – the fence on outer side of the new row of trees was becoming dilapidated. It was RESOLVED to write to the landowner on this matter.
  3. Refurbishment of village seats – Cllr Pringle advised that this was progressing well but that it might make sense to swap seats to protect them. Cllrs Duck and Hodges would look at this.

The meeting closed at 7.45 pm

Created: 17/03/2021 / Last Modified: N/A