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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 15 November 2023 in Snape Methodist Church, Schoolroom

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Colin Hodges, Richard Poole, Cllr D Webster and 3 members of the public (for item 8 only)

  1. Apologies for absence – The apology from Cllr Pringle was received and the reason noted.
  2. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Watson made a declaration of interest in item9bi and took no part in the discussion.
  3. Re-ordering of the Agenda – Cllr Duck welcomed everyone to the meeting.  It was AGREED to take item 8 first to permit members of the public to take part in the discussion and then leave should they wish.  However, the item is recorded below to follow the order of the published agenda
  4. Minutes of the meeting held on 6 September, copies of which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.
  5. Matters arising
    1. Platinum Jubilee and Coronation – the plaques had been purchased and would soon be installed.
    2. Announcing a new approach to managing speed limits in North Yorkshire – a positive response had been received from Cllr Keane Duncan to the PC’s letter for a 20mph speed limit by the school on Ings Lane.  Further communication was awaited.
    3. Locality budget – Cllr Webster confirmed that he would be able to support the two projects of solar panels and new double glazing at the Institute and the Warm Hub at the Institute which had the support of the Parish Council.  Cllr Webster would send the appropriate application to the Clerk.
    4. Safety at Carthorpe corner – Following the reports by the Parish Council of accidents by cyclists at the Carthorpe corner to the Highways Road Safety Officer, in October grip testing of the road leading to and from the corner was undertaken and had been funded by Highways. This had identified problems with the surface of the road.  This was a promising outcome but further information was awaited on any action which would be taken.
  6. Policing Matters – No-one was able to attend the meeting.  A report would be circulated.  In discussion it was noted that a vehicle had been stolen recently from the village.
  7. Financial Matters
    1. The receipts and payments since the last meeting were noted and approved.

Receipts: YLC - £332.58 (urban grass cutting), £4429.00 (2nd instalment of precept); HMRC - £366.28 (repayment of VAT)

Payments: S Lowe (salary) £74.40, £196.80; S Lowe (expenses) £12.37; HMRC £100.00, £85.80; C Hodges – parts to repair goalposts - £36.36; Methodist Church (room hire) £25.00; Playsafety Ltd (playing field inspection) £102.60; Mashamshire Community Office (printing) £18.00; First Rescue Training and Supplies (Defibrillator battery and pad set) £401.28; Andrew Signs and Engravers £316.80

    1. Bank accounts as at 7 November 2023
      1. Current account – £15217.42
      2.  account – £2665.89
      3. Deposit account re Institute - £49130.64
    2. Hours worked by the Clerk – 35 hours 45 minutes had been worked since the last meeting
    3. Grass cutting tender – The documentation previously used for the grass tendering process was discussed and changes agreed.  The Clerk would prepare the appropriate documentation and send out to those previously invited to tender.
    4. The budget for 2024/25 and precept for 2024/25 – The Clerk presented a paper outlining the possible budget and precept for 2024/25.  In discussion it was agreed to increase the Clerk’s pay to £14 per hour.  The last increase had been in 2020.  As it was not clear what the grass cutting tender cost would be it was RESOLVED to await the outcome of the tendering process before finalising the discussion of the budget and precept.  A separate meeting would be held in mid-December for this purpose.
    5. Snape Institute charity – The Chairman of the Institute Committee advised the Council that the Trustees had agreed to pursue becoming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and an

Extraordinary General meeting was to be held to seek parishioners’ approval for this change of status.  If this was approved, the Trustees would be requesting the funds currently held by the Parish Council in the name of the Snape Institute be paid into the Snape Institute account.  It was RESOLVED that this would be actioned once the CIO was established.

  1. Playing Field
    1. Goal posts – Cllr Hodges advised that the latest H&S report of the playing field had been a positive report.  The length of the grass was now much improved following two recent cuts.  It had been recommended that the zipwire be subject to an annual assessment; Cllr Poole would pursue this with Streetscape.  Using funds left over from the development of the playing field and funds accumulated for asset replacement, the new goal posts had been purchased and would be installed in the spring.
    2. Further development of the playing field – a representative of the School and a parent were welcomed to the meeting.  They had approached Cllr Hodges regarding the installation of new equipment for smaller children in the playing field.  In addition the School would like to use the playing field more for educational activities eg Forest school and to have child friendly play items such as cane dens, herb plants, plus covered seating area.  In discussion it was noted that maintenance issues, tendering and insurance issues would need to be considered. 
    3. Request by Snape Climate and Conservation Group for developments to encourage habitats for wild animals – a representative of the Group was welcomed to the meeting.  It was noted that this request linked with the request being made by the School and parents and they should work together to put some proposals to the Council.  Cllr Hodges advised that the principle was that the playing field had been sold to the Parish Council for a recreational space and this purpose needed to be protected.  The School and Climate and Conservation Group representatives agreed to work together and left the meeting at this point.
  2. Planning applications
    1. Prices Paving and Stone Ltd – It was noted that the application had been passed unanimously by the Planning Committee.  Since the meeting the applicant and next door neighbour had agreed an approach to reduce the height of the wall between the premises which would hopefully mean the exit from the Price’s site would not now need to take up part of the current highway.  In discussion it was felt that the process had been extremely difficult without an apparent recognition by the Planning process of the views of residents and the Council.  It was suggested that a letter be sent to NYC Planning department to express the PC’s views.
    2. The Council considered the following applications:
      1. ZB23/02076/FUL  Construction of a Hay store  Lavender Lodge Snape – the Council had no objections
      2. ZB23/02049/FUL  First floor rear extension and fenestration alterations to garden room Cedar Garth Meadow Lane Snape – the Council had no objections
    3. To Council noted the following had been approved since the last meeting:
      1. ZB23/01701/CAT Works to a tree in a conservation area - works to a Beech tree  Brook Cottage Snape
      2. ZB23/01721/TPO  Works to a tree with a TPO ref 16/0001/TPO1  Tilia House Meadow Lane Snape
      3. ZB23/01720/FUL  Application for extension to existing garage/workshop to create new domestic storage area Lowlands Bungalow Ings Lane Snape
  3. Bedale Villages and Community Forum – Cllr Pringle had attended the September meeting and had provided feedback. 
  4. Local Government Association - Model Councillor Code of Conduct 2020 – a copy of this document had been circulated with the agenda and was noted.  The Clerk would look into this further.
  5. Civility and Respect policies – a number of documents had been circulated with the agenda and were noted.  The Clerk would review the documents and make recommendations to the Council in due course.
  6. Quickline implementation – this was progressing with various works being undertaken.
  7. Newsletter – A number of items were discussed.  Councillors would contact the Clerk with any other items to include.

The meeting closed at 7.45pm.

Created: 20/03/2024 / Last Modified: 27/04/2024 by Sarah Lowe